Wednesday, 30 March 2022 13:48


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Yes, D.C. residents are left out again because D.C. is not a state; left out again because D.C. does not have two senators in the United States Senate who can vote on any matter before the Senate; left out again because D.C. cannot vote on an exceptionally important matter.

D.C. residents left out a
gain because D.C. cannot vote for native Washingtonian Supreme Court Associate Justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson; left out again because D.C. cannot vote for D.C. resident/citizen Supreme Court Associate Justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson who worked in D.C. as a law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, who served in D.C. as a judge of the U.S. (federal) District Court for the D.C. Circuit, who currently serves in D.C. as a judge of the U.S. (federal) Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit - the most important U.S. (federal) Court of Appeals.

For D.C. residents not to be left out again, will residents and citizens of the United States ask their U.S. Senators to vote for Supreme Court Associate Justice nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as the next Supreme Court Associate Justice?

For D.C. residents not to be left out again, will residents and citizens of the U.S. also ask those same U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives to support and vote for D.C. statehood the next time the matter is before the Senate and the House?

Stand Up! for Democracy in D.C. (FREE D.C.)

Read 1741 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 14:07

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